Referee = Love All.

Yesterday Night I was Awake to witness Rover’s landing from Chandrayan 2 on Moon surface and also Semifinal Tennis Matches of US Open 2019.

Science has opened new frontiers of cosmology , Radiology , Physiology , Psychology,and many more for wellness of Human race . the greatest gift of Science is time in our Life Span. How to utilize it with LOVE ALL.

Like Tennis as a sport from college days and best part is it that it starts with Universal message of ” LOVE ALL “. Referee is a symbol of Witnessing the game of life with Neutral and Natural Mind with Awareness , Alertness and Attentiveness .

Be Referee in Game of life and ” LOVE ALL “.

Your inputs are welcome .

OWN ZERO is a Wisdom Channel on Youtube . it has collection of morning meditation walks monologues by ram H singhal.

(c) ram H singhal



Is not our life destination a kind of happiness , which we know the taste , which we taste on and off but it does not remain timeless , so we search in time through our senses ?

Lord Buddha had everything we desire through our senses yet wandered around for 6 years in search of this happiness , finally exhausted sit under a PIPAL tree , relaxes and tastes timeless happiness which many call enlightenment.

The secret of eternal happiness hidden in the tree’s name PIPAL so PI means drink and PAL means now , drink now is to live in present and present is a timeless dimension we all can taste but can not be explained .

living in present is the true happiness.

love all.

(c) ram H singhal

* PIPAL tree is called Ficus religiosa or sacred fig in English.